Dimple Ahuja Life Coach


Dimple Ahuja

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP Expert)
CEO & Founder- Lifepreneur Company

Dimple Ahuja in her own words….

I hail from a small traditional town Chhatarpur in India, which was a big part of my existence. From childhood, I’ve been constantly surrounded by people with progressive thinking, great values, generosity, and love. While being brought up in an Indian joint family with almost 25 members staying under one roof may seem chaotic, it doesn’t put behind the way it fosters an exhilarating spirit of companionship and oneness.

But as said, life is not a bed of roses. I lost my father at a very young age, which left me with an unforeseen void. We all face adversity in life from time to time, but some of us are able to flourish when things get difficult, while others seem to struggle getting out of bed in the morning. Being the eldest sibling in the family, the responsibilities at hand partially filled the void, but deep down it still remained. It took me jobs like teaching students part-time while finishing up my own studies, to finally step into the corporate world as a Trainer.

Further on, I worked with one of the best people in the industry and learnt from Mr. DP Agrawal, the founder and owner of Vedanta Foundation and Dr. Kiran Bedi, the Commissioner of Police, Delhi, India.

Whilst advancing professionally, I fulfilled the responsibilities of settling down my younger siblings & children, I got settled in Kuwait and finally moved to Toronto in the year 2022.

I have been in the corporate industry, training and interacting with people associatedwith global institutions, in both, India and Middle East for last 30 years.

Settling abroad, growing personally as well as professionally with a comfortable lifestyle, havingfinancial stability, no family to look after, living life queen size – who wouldn’t dream of a life like this? People often envied to live a life like mine, except myself.

As life went by, my insecurities grew and I had no qualms of dealing with them. Each passing day made me dissatisfied with life and I decided to take a step. I joined the Yoga Institute in Mumbai and connected with my mind, body and soul to find out my purpose and I realised that my problems weren’t problems anymore but challenges that I had to conquer with my changed mindset and thinking pattern.As John Grinder said “ Problems are not the problems, they are just of lack of your state to handle them”

The going got tougher and I became angrier with the life I was living and it also made me question my belief in the universe. I was searching for unanswered questions but was getting nowhere closer to answers. And that’s when I decided to take charge of my life and my mental health. As I started aligning myself with the universe again, I was introduced to NLP.

I took my training from the best in the world, John Grinder who happens to be the co-creator of NLP. Through the study, I found all the answers I was looking for and that completely changed my behaviour and my habits. I got rid of my past traumas, insecurities, and a lot more.

Yes, even though I was practising meditation and yoga habitually, but NLP helped me to learn the science behind meditation and affirmations. Life is science and we should explore all of it and learn more about it.

With this motive, I set my foot in this arena of helping others get their answers too with the help of NLP and making them in charge of their own life.

“Be your own Coach and transform your own life”

Dimple Ahuja

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